Friday, May 28, 2010

Once Again

It has been way to busy in my life. Work has been a bear and then I had to build a fence to keep my neighbor from encroaching on our property. So now it is almost time to go on vacation once again. No driving this time. We are flying and will be in NY for three weeks. During that time I plan on taking my daughter and grandson up to Vt. to see my Uncle and go fishing with him. I think that Hunter will really enjoy it. Of course we will stop and see Poope' and Mary and I hope that Bob and Jen will be there or drive over to NY for a weekend. We are only doing three weeks as shutdown starts early and plus this Dec we are going to go to Costa Rica to visit my old room mate from the Army. Here are some pics of the fence I built. Cost me a couple of thousand bucks. With the way things are I'm happy to have a job. I guess we need more oil wells to explode so the price of gas will continue to drop. Since the blow out our prices have dropped over ten cents. How odd is that. Talk at you later.

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