Thursday, June 18, 2009

One More Wakeup

One more wakeup and spend three hours at work and then we are on our way to upstate New York. I am so ready for this vacation. Work has been so busy this past year that for the first time in thirteen years I think I am feeling stressed. Oh for the good old days. I can't wait to see everyone and just plain old relax at the lake. Talk at everyone later when I get back in July!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Almost Time

Well vacation is almost here. My back is no longer an issue as I refuse to let it be one. X-Rays showed degenerative disc disease and bone spurs. After all I am 55. The MRI showed that maybe I have a pinched nerve. So what's that all about. So I've decided that I'll say to hell with it and forget about the pain and move on. So far it's working but every once in awhile I have to tell myself it REALLY DOESN'T hurt.
My wedding anniversary is coming up. 29 years. If you look up Saint in the dictionary you'll see a picture of my wife. She really is a saint for putting up with me all these years. Work still refuses to slow down but maybe that is good. I just sent a couple of bones to Katie for her Seattle trip. I hope the guys keep her good company. Time to get chop chopping. Why do people still litter? I'm going to be on the lookout during this roadtrip. I just don't understand. Maybe we need to bring back the commercials with the crying Indian.